Friday, June 19, 2020

Review: Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows

Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows Thomas Wildus and the Book of Sorrows by J.M. Bergen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Magic is real. At least that is what young Thomas Wildus's father has told him to believe before he went missing. Thomas has been having some strange occurrences happening to him. First he makes friends with an odd elderly fellow who owns a really cool old book store where Thomas is lent a book on magic in exchange for some work around the book store. That is when things really start gathering steam into the bulk of why Thomas needs to learn quickly his magical powers and save the world. I thought the story was great, the characters complimented each other and the door is wide open for the next installment of a great story of where friends and family are what matter most in life.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Review: The Girl in the Mirror

The Girl in the Mirror The Girl in the Mirror by Steven Ramirez
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Interesting spooky story that reminded me of the TV series where the woman sees and speaks with the dead to help them move onto heaven but not until the mystery of their deaths is solved and the perpetrators are exposed.

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Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Review: Sisters and Secrets

Sisters and Secrets Sisters and Secrets by Jennifer Ryan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Having three sisters myself I am familiar with how sisters and secrets can destroy a family once the secrets are uncovered. The common factor is one sibling seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others. Can Sierra find a place free of memories that haunt her? Is there any place on earth to find a place where no one hurts you or your loved ones? Sad that those we think who would never hurt are the ones you have hurt us time and again...and forgiving can take a long time is coming...

"Just looking at you makes me sick" Sierra to her sister

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Review: Thomas Wildus and The Book of Sorrows

Thomas Wildus and The Book of Sorrows Thomas Wildus and The Book of Sorrows by J.M. Bergen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Magic is real. At least that is what young Thomas Wildus's father has told him to believe before he went missing. Thomas has been having some strange occurrences happening to him. First he makes friends with an odd elderly fellow who owns a really cool old book store where Thomas is lent a book on magic in exchange for some work around the book store. That is when things really start gathering steam into the bulk of why Thomas needs to learn quickly his magical powers and save the world. I thought the story was great, the characters complimented each other and the door is wide open for the next installment of a great story of where friends and family are what matter most in life.

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