Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Review: Watermelon Snow

Watermelon Snow Watermelon Snow by William A. Liggett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yeah! so happy with the story. There were many layers to the story that I really became involved with the story and even think I might want to actualy visit a glacier to see the beauty and frailty of this disapearing natural resource. There are several good charectors, lots of hidden dangers with a smattering of globals messages on the subject of global warming and how it effecting the glaciers that millions of people rely on for their fresh water supply. I was unable to put this book down once I started. I look forward to seeing what else this author has to offer. The book was not too long, kept to the subject and was very entertaining as well as informative.

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Review: Last Secret Chamber

Last Secret Chamber Last Secret Chamber by Phil Philips
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

IN this action packed story we find our hero Joey Peruggia and his smart girlfriend getting talked into going to Egypt to uncover a lost library hidden possibly beneath one of the sphinxes. What could go wrong? I enjoyed the story with its historical theme about lost treasures in Egypt plus the characters are very likable and are easy to relate too.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Review: Culling the Herd

Culling the Herd Culling the Herd by Edward R. Etzkorn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As we all go about our normal daily lives there are those who must make life changing decisions for the world. Most humans inhabiting this world have some knowledge that our planet earth is going through many climate changes due to our relentless use of fossil fuels, over population leading to the deforestation of large areas of rain forests in the efforts to feed, cloth and provide material for manufacturing are destroying our world. So what are the long term goals to change this growing trend?
In this paralyzing story we are introduced to a team of scientists and environmentalists who have been covertly committing mass murders to cull the human race. When they up the odds with their next target being a large American city their only hope to stop them is a journalist for a trash talk magazine.

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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Review: The Overleden: Hell On Earth

The Overleden: Hell On Earth The Overleden: Hell On Earth by Terence Simmons
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Town Destroyed

Why is it that when young adults are instructed to not do something it always seems to happen. I was visualizing this whole book as a teenage horror movie with all the dings and whistles that was made into a box office smash hit or into a cult classic.

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